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The Discrimination Act 976
Coat of arms of Reichsparlament
Reichsparlament of the United Reich
An Act to prohibit discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity, social status, financial status, gender, political beliefs or sexual orientation within workplaces, government, places of consumption and other such venues and public places.
Citation 2 Hei. 3 c. 3
Territorial extent All territories of Neubayern
Enacted by Reichsparlament of the United Reich
Date enacted 14th October 976
Date passed 13th May 976
Date of Royal Assent 14th October 976
Legislative history
Bill Bill for an Act to prohibit discrimination based on factors not within the victim's control within public venues.
Bill published on 13th February 976
Introduced by Janos Korinsky
First reading 27th February 976
Second reading 16th March 976
Third reading 7th April 976
Status: In force

The Reich Discrimination Act of 976 (2 Hei. 3 c. 3, German: Reichsdiskriminierungsgesetz, RDG) is an Act of the Reichsparlament of New Bayern passed to outlaw severe forms of discrimination — based on race, socio-financial standing, sexual or political orientation and gender — in the workplace or in "venues of consumption", which include restaurants and stores.

The first conviction under this act was Johann Mijkovic, at the time a senior manager of IT company Bachscom, who refused to employ homosexual worker Gerhard Beinhord, despite the latter having all qualifications required for employment. Beinhord filed a lawsuit against Mijkovic. The court battle resulted in Mijkovic being forced to recompense Beinhord in the form of a fine of RM 500,000, as well as six months of community service.

The RDA grants to victims the right to file a lawsuit against someone who "subjected [them] to discrimination such as

  • Refusing to employ [them] on grounds of race, socio-financial standing, sexual or political orientation and/or gender;
  • Refusing to serve [them] on same grounds in venues of consumption;
  • Refusing to render [them] services on same grounds regarding work in the service sector (encompassing schoolteachers, servicemen, etc.)"